Frequently Asked Questions

  • It’s easy! Just follow United Way’s step-by-step process:

    1. Quickly and easily register your place of business on our workplace registration form.

    2. Share your custom online giving link with your employees.

    3. Explore our online Workplace Giving Toolkit for fun ways to inspire your team to give!

  • • Spring (Mar-May) – recommended for organizations operating on a fiscal year.

    • Fall (Sep-Nov) – recommended for organizations operating on a calendar year.

  • Workplace Giving campaigns are most successful in a two-week window.

    • Provides a greater sense of urgency for your employees and leadership

    • Allows for a more focused and effective effort by your internal staff

  • • United Way’s online e-Pledge system is easy to use for all organizations and is our preferred method to receive, track and support employee donations.

    • Paper pledges are still available, and we are happy to support this method. Please know, however, paper pledges typically delay deductions and reporting.

  • • Yes! Employees may sign up for either monthly donations or one-time gifts.

    • United Way recommends employees sign up for monthly donations – it’s the most effective way to help nonprofits plan, grow, and fulfill their missions.

  • Yes! CEOs and/or Executive Teams can make corporate gifts or set up corporate matches as part of their company’s campaign.

  • Yes! Workplace Giving donations are tax deductible.